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Accelerating the green transition
by transforming
depleted fields into
energy yields

Millions of oil and gas wells exist worldwide and most are inactive or dry. These unused wells have untapped source of geothermal energy and contain valuable geological information.

Our cutting-edge geothermal approach reinvents familiar, once-productive fields into long-term sources of carbon-free heat and power.

By tapping into already understood and mapped sites, we deliver clean, continuous energy without the guesswork—dramatically reducing both environmental impact and development risk.

  • Tapping into a growing market due to the rising need for constant, affordable, and carbon-free power, particularly for data centers.

  • Uses a patented method to extract dissolved natural gas from brine. The hot brine and gas are used to generate electricity + heat. CO2 produced is captured and stored or sold.

  • Reuses dry wells to reduce drilling risks and targets low-temperature, shallower layers with brine at 80-90°C, enhancing access to geothermal resources.

  • Excess heat will be used for heating or cooling, such as for data centers, greenhouses and other nearby consumers.

  • We are developing a series of projects. The first project fully permitted and ready to start.

  • The leadership team possesses extensive and diverse experience in successfully developing a wide range of projects within the energy sector.

  • Clozed Loop Energy AG
    Furrengasse 5
    6004 Lucerne

  • AAT Geothermae Ltd.
    Draškovićeva 17
    40325 Draškovec